Direct Response Advertising Experts

Performance Media, Creative Development, Attribution & Reporting.

Years Established
0 +
Annual Media
$ 0 M

InterMedia Brand Performance Services 

InterMedia is an award-winning industry leader in direct-response marketing services and client results.  Our team of experts have delivered cutting edge strategies and technologies for over 50 years, growing companies and products into nationally recognized brands and advertising campaigns like CarShield, HairClub, & Ethos Life Insurance.


Linear Television

Direct Response TV Advertising Optimized to your Business Metrics.


Streaming TV 

Industry-leading Performance Streaming TV Advertising with SYD.TV


Audio & Podcast

Radio, Podcast, & Streaming Audio campaigns Tailored to your Audience.


Paid Search & PPC 

Paid Search, Programmatic Media, Shopping Ads & More.


Social Media

Performance Social Media & Influencer Pipeline Development.


Celebrity Endorsement

Celebrity & Influencer Strategy & Contract Procurement. 

Accutrak Analytics

Omnichannel Reporting & Dashboards with Downfunnel Sales & Retention.


Creative / Production

In-House Scripting, Production, & Post Production Teams.

Why Choose InterMedia as your Performance Agency ?

Collaborative Integrity

Our vertically integrated teams across all Media and Creative work together and operate with transparency, holding ourselves and each other to a high level of excellence and ethical standards. We treat our clients with transparency and accountability in everything we do.

Media Relationships

With over 50 years in the industry, we have strong relationships across all Media which means we have access to priority opportunities, exceptional added value opportunities, and the research behind every buy to ensure our Media meets each client’s unique metrics, goals and needs.

Real Time Analytics

 We are a leader in the industry with excellence driven analytics and attribution. Each team is led by high caliber experts in Media, Creative and Analytics providing a 360 path to excellence in brand and performance marketing.  We are here for your success.


 Omni-Channel Attribution & Reporting Dashboards powered by our proprietary Accutrak® technology.

Customized Dashboards & KPIs

Proprietary Television Measurement Technology

CRM Integration & Downfunnel Activity Measurement


New! SYD.TV - Performance Based CTV / OTT Advertising

The first all-in-one streaming TV advertising platform and service, tailored for direct response, with access to our private CPM rates on major stations plus SYD.TV real-time attribution & dashboards by InterMedia & Accutrak™.

Ready to Make Performance-Based CTV Work?

Intermedia makes Streaming TV performance campaigns work where others cannot.  Low CPMs and granular optimization capabilities are what set us apart from the rest.


Access Our Exclusive CPM Rates 

Privately negotiated CPM rates available to our clients across a wide range of premium inventory on our turn-key buying & attribution platform.

Discover the ‘Streaming Yield Difference’ that makes  SYD.TV the best option for Direct Response CTV.

Streaming TV Ads

CTV Media, Creative, & Reporting
$ 0
Spend Commitment
  • Premium Streaming TV Inventory
  • Low (Unpublished) CPMs on Top Stations
  • Media Optimized to Performance
  • Creative Development Services
  • Accutrak Performance Dashboards
  • Strategy Expert & Support Included
Creative Development & Production

Samples of Our Recent Creative Work

Get Started With Intermedia!


FREE 24 Month Direct-Competitors & Industry Specific Media Spend Analysis!


Let the InterMedia Research Team leverage our suite of premium tools to conduct a competitors and industry-specific advertising trend analysis on your behalf.

Plus get one of our trade-show-stopping InterMedia Owala Water Bottles when you connect with us!

IMA Offices of Woodland Hills, CA 

All of our media buying, reporting, and creative development is done from the famous Woodland Hills office in the San Fernando Valley area of Los Angeles, CA.  

The InterMedia Group of Companies

InterMedia Group of Companies has been delivering measurable direct-response campaigns across all major advertising mediums and channels for over 50 years.

Our unique mix of placement and optimization strategies reach target audiences when they are most likely to make a purchase or consideration.

A focus on client outcomes as our greatest success is what has enabled InterMedia to become a leader in the space and establish long lasting client partnerships.

Visit our Offices & Connect with the Team


Visiting LA sometime soon?  Please let us know, we’ll look forward to having you as our guest.

See Whats Happening at InterMedia

From client video production to hosting station-partners and speaking events,  there is always something happening at Intermedia.

A focus on client outcomes as our greatest success is what has enabled InterMedia to become an established leader in brand performance response media for over 50 years.